Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Eating Less

Yesterday I made peanut butter cupcakes for Hope's birthday.  I used two muffin pans and had a little left over, so I made a pan of mini muffins.  I had two of the mini ones, but once the big ones were out of the oven and frosted, I didn't really want one.  Odd, huh?

I've quit buying a lot of junk food, for the most part, but the other day there were some chips in the pantry because they were on sale.  I took the bag out and realized I didn't want them.  So I put them back. 

I must be sick.

Chips, people!  I passed up an opportunity to eat one of my main food groups!

Last night I saw something on tv that I though sounded good.  I thought about it for a minute, and I could almost taste it, and then I just didn't want it anymore.

One might think eating less would lead to losing weight, but they'd be wrong, because in passing up those cupcakes, I also had two servings of Mizithra and Browned Butter.  I've lost 5 pounds in the last six weeks- certainly not worth getting too excited about when David lost 15 pounds in four weeks. 

But maybe- just maybe- I'm getting to the point of not eating food simply because it's there.  There's a novel concept.

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