Friday, May 31, 2013


This morning I came across a verse I don't think I'd ever seen.  At least, if I'd seen it, I never paid attention to it.

Blew. My. Mind.

It's gonna blow Joel's rear end, too.

The verse is at the end of Romans 1, after the verse about they exchanged the truth of God for a lie.  Paul is listing the ways they disregard the truth: they have become filled with greed, envy, murder, malice.  They are God-haters, they invent ways of doing evil, they disobey their parents, they are senseless, faithless, heartless....

Seriously?  I know Paul was great at throwing those little phrases in there.  They cheat, murder, lie, {drive five miles over the speed limit}, slander, {skip church one too many Sundays}, gossip, {use bad language when they're mad}.....yeah, he's good at slipping a few of my favorite sins into the list of "oh, I'm not so bad, look at all those sins".

But I'd never noticed that disobeying your parents is listed along with God-haters and inventors of evil.

Hope has already gotten this lecture; Itchy and Scratchy will be hearing it at family devotions tonight.  If God is going to lump disobedience in with murder and malice, it's going to be taken a bit more seriously in this household.

Now I'm sure that, in actuality, Paul was probably talking about adult children who disregard their parents' teaching and go along with the depravities listed.  This probably isn't talking about small children who can't seem to obey when mom says be quiet or don't fight with your sister.  But still....

Add another verse to the Memory Verse list!

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