Sunday, March 06, 2011

Another shopping victory!

I've only taken all the kids shopping by myself once. I just wait for David to be home or go during my lunch break at work.

But my plans to go to Walgreens this morning before he left for New Jersey evaporated when he told me his flight left at 7am. Who leaves that early when you don't have to be there until the next morning?? But he swears that because of the time difference and the times the shuttles were running, that's what he had to do.

So, what do I do? Do I wait until Tuesday and go during lunch, in which case everything I want will be sold out? Or do I go on Sunday when I know the things I want will be in stock, but going will require taking four children with me. And not just any four children; my four children, three of whom make any shopping trip an experience in frustration. Hope whines the entire time because she wants a treat and pouts when I say no- which I always do as a matter of principle to not give in to the whining; one would think she'd learn not to bother asking. Naomi cries if the wind blows or if Hope holds her hand or if Hope doesn't hold her hand when Naomi wants her get the idea. Joel- I swear, that boy could have a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese with Thomas and Diego in attendance and have ToysRUs provide an entire truckload of presents and he'd still find something to throw a fit about. Daniel is just as sweet as can be unless he's hungry or a sibling hurts him. One out of four isn't bad, right?

I decided, since I only was going to buy some PediaCare that was basically free after coupons, that I'd go to Walgreens, leave the kids in the car, and just run in and buy the medicine.

But then I saw the Walgreens ad in person and realized there were some other good deals that would require some time in the store.

Naomi whimpered a bit because she was sure she'd get hit by a car in the parking lot if she wasn't holding Hope's hand; Joel started to enter 'fit' mode because he had to sit in the back of the cart instead of the front, but overall, they were very well-behaved. Joel started singing a little loudly at times, but it beats yelling at the top of his lungs, which very easily could've been the situation.
With all the deals this week, I spent $12 for $53 worth of stuff. I think 77% savings is worth gambling on a bad shopping trip.

I'm actually thinking of going back and doing all the transactions again when the boys wake up from their nap:)

1 comment:

The Keevy Family said...

Good for you! Shopping with kids is hard, but I take my kids on a normal basis too--simply because it's part of their training to learn to be an adult someday! ;)

I post my deals on my blog at
