Friday, February 25, 2011

Safety Rails

The other night Joel got up at 3:00am, got out of bed, and started playing in his room. In order to get out of bed, he has to crawl over the safety rails that completely encircle his bed. He can't accidentally fall or slide out of bed; he has to make the conscious decision to get over those rails.

Obviously, his playing in his room didn't go over extremely well. He knows he isn't allowed to get out of bed in the night. If he wakes up, he's supposed to play with one of the books or toys in his bed until he goes back to sleep.

There may have been some harsh words directed at him as I encouraged him to get back in bed. Or I may have just barged in and yelled at him to get his butt back where it belonged. I'm quite sure one of those two scenarios occurred.

On the way to work the next morning, I was praying about Joel. "WHY, God, why can he not obey? Why is it so difficult to just stay in his bed? What is it about this kid that makes him take each and every opportunity to disobey and seize it wholeheartedly?"

Ya ever notice how God doesn't really answer prayers like that? Instead, as He wipes His eyes from laughing at me so hard, He brings these thoughts to my mind:

How often do I climb over my own 'safety rails' into areas that God tells me to not enter?

How often do I ignore a simple command to obey?

How often do I think that I can just quietly enjoy the things of the world and nobody will notice?

I'll be really quiet and just sit here and play for a few minutes before I get back in bed. No one will wake up and I'll be able to have my fun before mom realizes I'm out here being disobedient. I won't get caught. Besides, if I wasn't supposed to play with these things, mom wouldn't have bought them for me, right?

I'll be really quiet and not advertise the fact that I watch {insert tv show that mocks my beliefs}/read {insert magazine title that promotes worldliness}/listen to {insert music by an artist who does not glorify God with his/her talent}. No one will know and I'll be able to have my fun before it really affects me. God won't care. I won't get caught. Besides, if I wasn't supposed to watch/read/listen to these things, God wouldn't have allowed them to exist, right?

Joel is simply a miniature version of me.

I guess safety rails aren't just for two-year-olds.

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