Wednesday, February 09, 2011


We joined the Y....again.

And I've gotten to be buddies with the treadmill....again.

And realized that lifting weights results in unexpectedly sore muscles the next day....again.

Can you sense my joy? Yeah, me neither.

But we've also started swimming with the kids during open swim time. This Y has a lap pool, but not a nice kids pool like the Valley Y. The kids have to be with a parent, and you can only have one non-able-to-swim child per adult, so the kids have had to take turns.

David figured out how to wrap a pool noodle around Joel and put a lifejacket on over it so that he easily stays above the water and can play. The child couldn't sink if he tried. He dogpaddles all over the pool chasing the other noodles and balls they put in the pool for the kids to play with. He really is going to be a very athletic kid. But he swam by me the other night and said "Mom, I a gwate thwimmah." Take the flotation devices off and let's see what a great swimmer you are, little boy. At least he seems to have confidence in his abilities:)

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