Monday, March 07, 2011

Typical boring day

On paper, the days I don't go to work seem so boring.

But I love them:)

Today began at 2AM when Joel, whom I didn't lock in his room due to vomiting in his bed two nights ago, got in bed with me, left the bedroom door opened, and woke up Daniel. It continued at 6AM when, again, Joel woke up Daniel, this time with loud crying at his door because he was locked in his room. I got up and showered and made breakfast for whomever was awake.

Joel and Naomi played and made a mess of most of the house, and pretended to watch whatever Netflix movie was on each time I threatened to turn the TV off. Hope sat quietly somewhere and tried not to be noticed, so I'd forget she needed to be doing schoolwork.

Snacktime at 10; more tv/running around/playing whatever game Hope decides they all need to play. Lunch, naptime for Joel, and schooltime for Hope.

Since it was sunny, Naomi went out for a little while to play, but there was a bug outside. Imagine that- living creatures in the outdoors. But that's a deal-breaker for her. She stood on the back porch for 10 minutes and decided to come inside.

Hope spent much longer than needed on her schoolwork, as always. She actually seemed fairly motivated at first today. But it didn't last long- pretty soon she was daydreaming and dawdling. Joel woke up from his nap and went outside to play. Naomi joined him, but they both spent only a little while out there before they decided to come back in. More games/tv/fighting until dinner.

We had spaghetti, salad, and peach slices for dinner. Joel and Naomi both took baths, and then everyone went to bed.

Boring day. Didn't even leave the house. But I still wouldn't mind if they were all this boring.

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