Friday, March 25, 2011

The important things in life

For Hope's writing assignment Wednesday, she had to write her favorite Bible story. She chose Jesus' birth. There were lots of misspellings and she apparently thought He was born in Befliham, but ya know...

Thursday's assignment was to finish the story from Wednesday. Usually, in this curriculum, that means re-writing her original story to correct any mistakes from the first draft. She seemed to think it meant 'finish the story'. This is what she wrote:

"After Jesus was born, Mary, Josuf, and Jesus went back home. When Jesus was 2 years old some wise men came to him and gave him gifts. Then he grew up and died for our sins."

So, on the one hand, I think I probably should make her aware of the fact that Jesus did have some of His life between birth and death documented. I think there may be one or two useful lessons somewhere there in the life of Christ.

On the other hand, I love that she sees His death as the end of His birth story. That's why He was born- not to be a good person and a model for us to strive to emulate, but to die for us. The in-between part was just a prelude to the end of the story.

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