Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Weighty Issues

So yesterday I had a doctors appointment to check my incision and make sure I was healing ok, and of course they had to weigh me. It was pretty nice to have the scale stop on exactly the same weight as my first OB appointment back in December. Not that I can honestly say I've lost all the weight I gained while I was prego, cause I did gain some before that appointment thanks to our Las Vegas trip and a few batches of Chex mix. My stomach still looks like a saggy ol' butt instead of a stomach, but still- 10 days and basically all the weight gone. Now it's just trying to get from this weight to one that I actually would want to weigh- I'm sure that won't be as easy or as fast:(

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Good job Tish. Yeah, I'm still at that weight I was after having Chloe. It's sad, but it's life.