Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Naomi Jill

Despite the fact that absolutely nothing went according to plan, Naomi is here and doing great! She was born Friday the 14th at 8:49pm.
Thursday when I went to the doctor, they told me that some of my test results had come back abnormal. I'd had too much amniotic fluid, so they did some tests to figure out why, and it turned out that somehow I'd gotten infected with cytomegalovirus. Cytomegalovirus is a fairly harmless virus that most people have had and don't know it since it really doesn't even cause symptoms. The only time its a problem is if you get infected while you're pregnant- the virus can cause problems with the fetus. So my doctor and one of the specialists at the hospital decided I needed to be induced to reduce the chances of the baby being harmed.
Numerous drugs and 26 hours of trying to induce didn't work- my contractions even got less intense once they put me on Pitocin! David and I were finally so frustrated that things were going nowhere that we decided to have a C-section. Part of me felt bad that I was choosing surgery instead of just waiting, but as it turned out I'm so thankful we chose what we did. Naomi had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck two times, and there was so much extra fluid that the doctor said she didn't think she could've dropped into position to be born.
Hope and Zach went out of town with David's sister for the weekend, so David and I got alot of one-on-one time with Naomi until we came home from the hospital Monday. She seems so tiny- she weighed just over 7 pounds, but she's so light you can hardly tell you're holding anything. Hope is a little over-excited to help and is so concerned when the baby cries- I'm sure in a few days she'll ignore her completely. Zach isn't nearly as worried this time as he was with Hope; he's already holding her alot- with Hope he was too afraid he was going to "break her". He will be so much help with Hope and for me- I can't do much of anything after the surgery, although I feel better already than I did after Hope. I hope I'm not jinxing myself by thinking the C-section was easier than natural birth:)

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