Monday, July 31, 2006

Not a good sign

I think it signals a problem when you're so tired, you fall asleep while operating a breat pump. Yesterday David noticed I'd been upstairs pumping for over half an hour so he came up to check on me. Yep, I was fast asleep, both funnels still attached- that's some strong suction. At least I didn't lose any milk during my nap:-)

And it's not bad enough that I have a two-week-old waking up every two or three hours at night. Now Hope has started waking up at least once during the night, crying about something- usually the fact that she's kicked off her sheet and is cold- with a heat index during the day of 110 degrees, this kid thinks she's cold. Last night I woke up at 12:00, 3:00, and 5:00 with Naomi, and 4:00 with Hope. I'm thinking of finding an overnight daycare.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Blissful Naps

Three days this week I've gotten Naomi to take a nap when Hope takes hers, so I've taken short naps with them. Even though I'm half awake listening for Hope to get out of bed or for Naomi to start crying, I've slept for forty-five minutes or so. Unfortunately, we wake up shortly before David gets home from work, so once we are up there's lots of quick clean-ups. Hope isn't so cooperative for that, but she's gotten the idea that daddy's happier if the house is clean, so she helps a little. Even with the hurriedness afterwards, naps are heavenly!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Weighty Issues

So yesterday I had a doctors appointment to check my incision and make sure I was healing ok, and of course they had to weigh me. It was pretty nice to have the scale stop on exactly the same weight as my first OB appointment back in December. Not that I can honestly say I've lost all the weight I gained while I was prego, cause I did gain some before that appointment thanks to our Las Vegas trip and a few batches of Chex mix. My stomach still looks like a saggy ol' butt instead of a stomach, but still- 10 days and basically all the weight gone. Now it's just trying to get from this weight to one that I actually would want to weigh- I'm sure that won't be as easy or as fast:(

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Playing favorites

She's only a week old, and already Naomi has a favorite person- her brother. If David or I hold her, she's squirmy and sqeaky, but if Zach has her, the kid will sleep for hours. Now if only he'd change her diapers... He even volunteered one night to stay up with her so I could sleep for awhile. He stayed up till 1:30 or 2:00am watching tv and kept her in her bouncer, and dealt with her when she'd start fussing. It wasn't like I felt well-rested afterwards, but it was awfully nice of him.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Potty-training Hope

Late June 2006- Poor little Hopey- I've damaged her for life and I'll catch her getting up at 4am to make her bed and then sleep on the covers:( The other day she peed all over the carpet two minutes after she told me she didn't have to go to the bathroom. Needless to say there was some yelling and name calling. So today I heard her in the bathroom saying something about "its ok I get it", so I went to check on her. She'd gotten to the bathroom but then couldn't get the seat up in time and peed on the floor, so she went back in the kitchen and got a dishtowel and was trying to wipe up the pee herself so I wouldn't get mad at her. It was so cute but I felt so bad. I suppose that won't be the only time I'll feel bad about something I've done to her:(

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Naomi Jill

Despite the fact that absolutely nothing went according to plan, Naomi is here and doing great! She was born Friday the 14th at 8:49pm.
Thursday when I went to the doctor, they told me that some of my test results had come back abnormal. I'd had too much amniotic fluid, so they did some tests to figure out why, and it turned out that somehow I'd gotten infected with cytomegalovirus. Cytomegalovirus is a fairly harmless virus that most people have had and don't know it since it really doesn't even cause symptoms. The only time its a problem is if you get infected while you're pregnant- the virus can cause problems with the fetus. So my doctor and one of the specialists at the hospital decided I needed to be induced to reduce the chances of the baby being harmed.
Numerous drugs and 26 hours of trying to induce didn't work- my contractions even got less intense once they put me on Pitocin! David and I were finally so frustrated that things were going nowhere that we decided to have a C-section. Part of me felt bad that I was choosing surgery instead of just waiting, but as it turned out I'm so thankful we chose what we did. Naomi had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck two times, and there was so much extra fluid that the doctor said she didn't think she could've dropped into position to be born.
Hope and Zach went out of town with David's sister for the weekend, so David and I got alot of one-on-one time with Naomi until we came home from the hospital Monday. She seems so tiny- she weighed just over 7 pounds, but she's so light you can hardly tell you're holding anything. Hope is a little over-excited to help and is so concerned when the baby cries- I'm sure in a few days she'll ignore her completely. Zach isn't nearly as worried this time as he was with Hope; he's already holding her alot- with Hope he was too afraid he was going to "break her". He will be so much help with Hope and for me- I can't do much of anything after the surgery, although I feel better already than I did after Hope. I hope I'm not jinxing myself by thinking the C-section was easier than natural birth:)

Ok, Bryn, here you go. I'm finally going to start this blog since you went to all the trouble to set it up for me. But since I'm also very unimaginative and tired, the first couple things I put in here are going to be the mass emails I sent everyone already. That way they're saved somewhere other than my mailbox, and I can make you happy and not have to come up with anything myself:)

Well, we're finally getting fairly settled here in Rockford. We got here June 18th and stayed with David's sister Amy and her family for a few days before we closed on our house here. We did alot of "getting moved" stuff during those days- getting a bank account open, setting up utilities, getting doctors established, etc. We closed on the house on the 21st and borrowed an air mattress from Amy and Andre so we could stay there- not too comfy, but we were too excited to not stay in our own house! Andre was shocked that I'd let David buy a house I hadn't seen, but for some reason I wasn't that nervous about it and I absolutely love this house! I'm so glad this is the one we got- even though we are further from Amy, we're close to David's work and in a great area of town. There's every store we could want within 10 minutes, so we did alot of grocery and house-stuff shopping until our belongings got here that Friday. Unloading our stuff was SO much easier than loading! David and I did half of it ourselves- all the little loose stuff that wasn't too heavy. Amy and Andre and the kids came over that evening and helped us finish. Andre and David got the furniture all unloaded and Amy, Taylor, and Dakota got all the boxes out. I think the kids almost enjoyed carting the boxes everywhere- they were such a big help! McKenna helped by keeping Hope occupied on the swingset:) David and I were amazed- nothing got broken in the move! A few of the couches got little rips in the fabric, but nowhere conspicuous.
We spent the next few days getting things unpacked and shopping for more furniture. We were actually very lucky to find most of what we needed. Now we're just waiting on delivery. I'll get some pictures of the house on here as soon as we get things organized and put away.