Friday, June 22, 2012


Every night at bedtime, I read Joel two books.  Tonight Naomi wanted to listen too, and I noticed Hope lingering by the door, so they all sat on the bed while I read.  Then Hope offered to read a book to the other two.  Since there just wasn't enough room for all of us to lay there (and since the book she was reading is one Joel loves and I hate), I laid at the foot of the bed while the three of them snuggled and listened to Hope read.

Joel has the stupid book memorized, so every time Hope would mess up, he'd correct her.  Finally he said, "if you need help reading it, I can help you."  Yeah right Joel, the 4-year-old who can't even recognize too many letters is going to tell the 9-year-old who has probably a 5th or 6th grade reading level how to read.  And then after a bit he leaned over to where I was, kissed my arm, and said "you're being very good lying there so quietly."  I wish he was this sweet all the time.

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