Saturday, June 30, 2012

Opposites Attract

It's funny, how  attitudes toward money seem to be inborn. Hope is SO much like David. If she has a dollar, she'd better find a way to spend that dollar. Saving is for sissies. Even though she really wants a DS, she still isn't willing to save her money to get one. Naomi- she's more my kid. She'll spend her money if Hope tells her she should buy something, but otherwise, she just doesn't much care.

Today Hope was bemoaning the fact that I won't let her take her allowance to the YMCA so she can buy a ridiculously overpriced bordering on highway robbery snack out of the vending machine.  From the back seat, I heard Naomi mutter, "I thought you wanted to buy a DS.  If you do, you need to save your money."  She's a smart kid, that Mimi.:)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Shopping

No picture, because David took the camera camping with him.  Two Suave shampoos, 2 bags of Dumdum suckers for the munchkins.
Spent today: $1.17
Spent ytd: $158.54
Saved ytd: 532.67
Have : $2 RR

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Read Book

David and the older three went camping this weekend, so it's just me and Daniel for a few days.  This morning when I woke up, I could hear him in his room crying and saying something, but I couldn't tell what.  When I went in there, he was reaching out to the toybox and saying "read book".  I grabbed a book for him and he plopped down in the pack-n-play and started looking at it.  I got some clothes out for him and put them on the changing table, and then I tried to get him out of the pack-n-play so I could change his diaper.  "No, want read book!"

Yesterday he accidentally pulled my hair, and when I said ouch, he said "torry" in his sweet little baby voice.  He's said a couple of other things this weekend that I've never heard him say before.  I wonder if he's been saying them all along and in the chaos I just haven't noticed, or he suddenly has a plethora of new words.  One of my faves is okay; he says it "ho-kaaay".

Friday, June 22, 2012


Every night at bedtime, I read Joel two books.  Tonight Naomi wanted to listen too, and I noticed Hope lingering by the door, so they all sat on the bed while I read.  Then Hope offered to read a book to the other two.  Since there just wasn't enough room for all of us to lay there (and since the book she was reading is one Joel loves and I hate), I laid at the foot of the bed while the three of them snuggled and listened to Hope read.

Joel has the stupid book memorized, so every time Hope would mess up, he'd correct her.  Finally he said, "if you need help reading it, I can help you."  Yeah right Joel, the 4-year-old who can't even recognize too many letters is going to tell the 9-year-old who has probably a 5th or 6th grade reading level how to read.  And then after a bit he leaned over to where I was, kissed my arm, and said "you're being very good lying there so quietly."  I wish he was this sweet all the time.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I took the kiddos to the dentist today.  While I was waiting for them to be called back, there were two teenage boys sitting in the waiting room.  I knew both of them but didn't say anything to either; I didn't figure they'd care to tell me all about their lives when they're not in a captive situation.  But then one of their moms came in and recognized me.  She said she missed seeing me last time she was in and asked if we were done with school- they homeschool too and she knew I didn't follow the public school schedule.  Then another patient came in and said hi to me- this patient was a puzzle to me at first, but finally I got her to where she'd talk pretty easily.

I went back with the kids to make sure they were all settled and behaving, and then I went back to the waiting room.  The homeschooling mom was still out there, and after a few minutes she asked if I was still working there.  I said I was just filling in some, and she said, "well, I hope you're filling in the next time I'm here".  I've had several other people say similar things on the days that I have been there. 

My goal in life is not to make a bunch of random people like me, but it's nice to know that, as unfriendly as I really am, I must do a pretty decent job of faking it.  Dr. Todd told me once that I was better with patients than I even knew- and I know I'm really good with them.  I think that might be something he was right about.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

That Joel- he's a cute little demon...

I love to watch him talk. His puffy little lips and his lisp make a cute combo. And he enunciates things very dramatically. 

The other day we were at the store and I grabbed a bag of oyster crackers for Daniel because they're a good size for him and they're ubercheap.  Today Joel asked me if he could have some of Daniel's Easter crackers.  He also calls granola bars "gorilla bars".

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday Shopping

Again, due to a return, I got money back this week, hence the negative balance spent for today.

Spent today: - $9.30
Spent ytd: $204.69
Saved ytd: $438.22
Have: $5 UP+ and will get $10 rebate

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Shopping

Never went back last week, although I probably could've rolled the extra RRs.  Oh well.
Spent today: $9.30
Spent ytd: $157.37
Saved ytd: $ 522.57
Have :$5 RR

Spent today: $44.95
Spent ytd: $213.99
Saved ytd: $363.63
Have $41UP+

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Sunday Shopping

Why do they never order the stuff that they know is going to be in high demand?  The Omega vitamins that were free after RR- they had five.  In the whole store.  And they were hidden in a back office.  And the kids brainstrong stuff.  One.  And luckily, the nice lady who grabbed it and then saw me looking for them gave the box to me.  Grrr. I think I'll try to go back Friday after their next shipment comes in and buy another of each because they're free after RR, plus I have $3 and $4 coupons for them, but do I really want to try to roll $40 in RR? I'll have to ponder (and look at the next few ads).
Spent today: $15.85
Spent ytd: $148.07
Saved ytd: $486.29
Have: $20RR

Spent today: $31.72
Spent ytd: $169.04
Saved ytd: $ 293.55
Have: $13UP+