Monday, March 19, 2007

Remember to Not Forget....

Most mornings we follow the same routine. Hope or Naomi wakes me up, we get up/make beds/change diapers/use bathroom and then go downstairs and eat breakfast. While the girls are eating, I get my glass of water and take my vitamins and antidepressant. During the weekend, we don't follow this routine, so I often forget to take my meds. Usually, though, I remember at some point that I've forgotten to take everything and take them later in the day. I forgot both days this weekend and never did take them.
Couple forgetting to take the drugs with a case of PMS, and you apparently wind up with this scene that's occuring now:

Someone feeding their children breakfast and cleaning up the kitchen, singing the Salute to the Armed Forces, and bawling about it. Why am I sobbing about the song? Who the heck knows.

I heard the Marines Hymn last night on tv and got it stuck in my head. So this morning I started singing all the songs- why is it that fifteen years after I graduated and quit doing all those Veteran's Day programs I can still sing every word to all the Armed Forces songs, harmony and all. Anyway, now that it's stuck in my head, I'm singing it and CRYING ABOUT IT???? WHY?? Please, Lord, tell me why I'm crying about a stupid song about the military??? Do I have any loved ones in the military? Not anymore. Do I even know anyone in the military? Not that I can think of. So why why why am I sobbing about it??

I guess I still need the antidepressants. I've REEEEEALLY got to remember to not forget to take those drugs!


missdidi said...

Even if you're not related to them, they are still laying down their lives for us. It's a very emotional song.

And I not only remember the words, harmony (although with Pastor Mark, His Story females had to sing a weird harmony that was different than the normal harmony) and the motions we used to do during rehearsal.

missdidi said...

And can't you remember all the names being called and the men standing and everyone clapping. So freaking emotional. One good thing that VCS did.

Tish said...

Don't start! I could break down again just thinking about it...How I made it through those performances is beyond me.