Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I know exactly where I was too

Since Bryn wrote about where she was six years ago last night, I figured I would too because it's one of my favorite memories of those six weeks. David and I had gone to some wedding hall downtown to check it out and then we went to the Onion for dinner. After dinner he went home and I went to the hospital.

I think everyone was in her room when I first got there, but maybe not- my memory of that part isn't very clear. But eventually, it was just me and mom. She was turned on her stomach, so I sat down next to her face and started talking to her. I'm sure whatever I told her was just a bunch of chatter, but I said something about Carol Behl. Mom raised her head up a little, looked at me, and said, "What?". I was in shock- I hadn't heard her say a word in four weeks! I said "What did you say?" and tried to get her to say it again or say something else, but that was it. She just laid there- I don't even really remember if she had her eyes open or closed. So I laid my head down on the bed- the rail must've been down from when they flipped her- and kept talking to her for a little while. I started thinking about all the wedding stuff I needed to do and I fell asleep right there, with my head next to hers. I woke up about 10:30 or 11:00 and freaked out cause it was so late, kissed her cheek, and said "Bye mama". And walked out. I didn't intend for that goodbye to be the last one. I certainly could've thought of alot more to tell her than something about Mrs. Behl if I'd known I'd never talk to her again. But I like the memory of laying there, staring at her face and talking to her. At least the last time I was with her was something that is etched in my memory, not just one more night of sitting in that hospital room or sleeping curled up on that waiting room couch. At least it's something I remember.

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