Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'm so lucky

Tonight I'm being reminded of how lucky I am to have my family. Naomi has had intestinal issues the past few days and is having lots of crying episodes because her tummy hurts. So as I sit here typing this, David is on the floor playing with her and dealing with the crying. Not because I have to make dinner or do housework or anything urgent- I'm playing on the internet for heavens' sake- but because he called home twice today and knows she's been crying alot and he figured I needed a break. Not too many husbands that I know of would want to come home from work, go out and do yardwork, cook dinner because it was grilled chicken and the grill is his department, mop the kitchen floor, and then, rather than sit on the couch and relax, will sit on the floor and entertain a noisy, fussy, at times screaming infant. I remember when I was working and David stayed home with Hope, I'd come home and David would want me to take care of her because he'd been with her all day and was tired and wanted a break. I resented it because I figured I'd been at work all day and wanted a break too, and dealing with Hope wasn't my version of a break:) Maybe because we've both been in the other's shoes we understand both sides, but right now I'm very thankful for such a considerate, thoughtful spouse.

Today I'm also thankful for Hopey. Some days I love her but I'm not thankful for her, but today wasn't one of them. I had a chiropractor appointment and had to take the girls, and instead of the whining and do-it-my-way attitude that has become the norm, she sat on the chair and was perfect. She asked a few questions in a sweet voice and ate her M&M's. She entertained herself at the store, and didn't even throw much of a fit when she found a toy she wanted and I said no. David brought Hope a cookie home from work, and she'd been sitting at the table eating it. After a few minutes she came into the family room with two pieces and said "I want to share with you guys". One piece of her cookie was for me and one for David. I have a tough time sharing my desserts with her when she asks for a bite, and yet my three-year-old does it because she wants to, not because anyone asked. Maybe tomorrow she'll be back to being miss sassypants, but today made me feel like somewhere in there was the sweet girl I hope she's becoming.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

That made me cry, Tish. I'm glad David is good to you.....and I'm glad you got a little break. Everyone needs one now and then, for pete's sake. And Hopey is a sweetie. Even if she is sportin' a 'tude at times, she is still a great little girl. I agree, you are a lucky girl!!