Thursday, August 10, 2006


I know we couldn't stay in Spokane. I know that. David couldn't have gotten a job right out of school there. I didn't want to work full time anymore. And if I hadn't left, Dr. Stewart might not have made the changes she did. But right now I'm really wishing there was a way we could've stayed.

I've known for several weeks that Dr. Stewart had decided to sell her practice and leave Spokane. Maybe that's what made me think about my patients so much and miss so many of them. I don't think a day goes by that something doesn't remind me of one of them. I worry about their reactions when they find out; I worry that some of them are going to feel abandoned- Ted left, I left, now Dr. Stewart leaves! A few of them who were SO adamant about only seeing Dorothy aren't going to know what to do. Sounds dramatic, but true. I know that with Dr. Frampton buying the practice they'll be in great hands, and maybe they'll be a little more comfortable since she was part of the practice before. But now that Heather is in charge and wants to be open five days a week, and the new hygienist only works three days a week, there's an opening for a hygienist two days a week. Just the schedule I would consider working...

The whole point of moving was to leave the winters. I'm quite certain we didn't do that by moving here. I'm getting the impression that Rockford is just Spokane with humidity. Same size, same amenities, same atmosphere. I know we couldn't have stayed, but with my ideal work situation having been created, I wish there was a way it could've worked.

There's another job opening in Tucson. Why am I still checking?

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