Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Bye Bye Didi

Bryn came to visit last week, so Hope has had an attentive audience for the last few days. She did lots of interpretive dancing, got her hair put in french braids every day, and enjoyed not having to share any attention with Naomi, but she was NOT on her best behavior. My sister probably thinks I forgot to unpack my parenting skills after our move. Sassy, whiny, and uncooperative describes her attitude the past few days. But today we sat and waited for Bryn's airport shuttle to leave, me crying because Bryn was leaving and Hope crying because she wanted to get on the bus with her Didi. I didn't think it would help matters if I told her I wanted to too.


Mandy said...

Oh garsh, Tish, quit saying you're a bad parent --- you're a great mom and we all have ill-behaved children at time; altho I doubt Hopey was nearly as bad as you say. AND, I wish you'd gotten on that bus too!!

missdidi said...

For Pete's sakes - Hope is not an ill-behaved child. Every kid misbehaves - you always say she is an incarnation of me. Maybe I'm to blame. I was the queen of screaming and whining (although other than the shirt incident I don't remember any screaming). Maybe she's just a redhead stuck in a light brown head of hair.