Sunday, June 02, 2013

Church-hunting Attempt #3

We've been going to a church for a couple of months that I really like.  It was my "safety" church- the one I knew we could go to if we didn't find anything else that fit.  It's smaller than I thought it would be and it's a forty minute drive, which I don't mind but it does make it difficult to be real involved.  VBS is in two weeks and I'd love to take the kids, but that's a long way to drive every night.  I like it, I'm fine if we continue to go there, but I'm open to trying other churches to see if we can find a better fit.  So since the main pastor was gone this week, we decided we'd try another church.

We picked a church that is pretty close to us.  We'd considered this church before because David's previous boss goes there, but it seemed too small.  David commented that it looked as big as the church we've been attending, and it certainly would be close, so we figured we'd give it a try.

I should point out that it is a Presbyterian church.  Evangelical Pres, though, so I thought maybe it would be a bit more lively.  I thought wrong.

Typical southern I'm-a-Christian-because-that's-how-I-was-raised-but-I-don't-have-any-real-personal-convictions type of church.  Very similar to the UCC in Quincy.

I felt like I was 10 again when I heard everyone start singing "Glory be to the Father....".

Nice pastor, nice enough sermon although totally void of any real teaching -  it was your basic little country church.

We won't be going back.

The one really nice thing, though, was they had HYMNALS!!!  In every pew!!  And we sang How Great Thou Art at the end of the service!  I was going to steal one of their hymnals, but it didn't have Living by Faith.  Otherwise, I'd have a memento of that church-hunting attempt.

1 comment:

BryneeJones said...

You'll have to visit a Nazarene church to find a hymnal with Living by Faith.