Thursday, April 04, 2013

It'th Vewy Exthenthive

I made some cookies the other day that were muy delicioso.  I doubled the recipe, not realizing that the original recipe made 6 dozen cookies, so we had a plethora of cookies to put somewhere. 

I've been putting the things I bake on a covered cake pedestal so the kids remember to eat them, but there were too many cookies for that, so I got out mom's old cookie jar.

I've left it out on the counter as a subliminal message that maybe I should make cookies more often.

With the wicked awesome Sam's Club deal last month, we got two free boxes of cookies, so I got those last night and put them in the cookie jar.

Itchy and Scratchy really wanted one, so I told them they could have one at snack time.  Naomi was reaching for the cookie jar lid, and I told her to be careful.  Joel chimed in with "Yeah, becauth that cookie jaw ith vewy exthenthive!"

Well, that's debatable.  I'm betting that cookie jar was NOT very expensive.  But I remember when mom used to bake and cook.  I remember when dinner didn't consist of frozen pizza and canned corn.  (Unfortunately, those were the times it consisted of meatloaf and sloppy joes.  Blech!)  I remember the cookie jar when it used to sit on the counter at all times, and most times it contained cookies.

So while it may not have cost very much money, it's priceless.


BryneeJones said...

I'm jealous that you remember those times. I don't. I just remember the cookie jar in the cupboard above the fridge.

I didn't even know we used to sit at the dinner table for dinner.

Tish said...

I really don't remember sitting down for dinner much once we moved. I think having the counter was such a novelty, and then everyone was so used to it we never bothered with a table:(

Mandy remembers sitting at the table for dinner;) Just ask her; she spent HOURS there trying to finish her meals!

I think mom quit baking when you were born. She played with you instead of baking. Well, that's not true, because I remember baking with her and she'd bathe you in the sink while she supervised me. And then she went through that sucker-making phase. But that was about the end of her kitchen escapades.