Friday, April 05, 2013

Good and Bad

I've said for 4.5 years that there was something wrong with him. 

Other people saw it.  Those were the people who made any attempt to discipline him.  They were the ones who knew what he could be like.

I talked to doctors about it. No one much cared; they'd say 'oh, maybe' and said he needed more sleep.  But I knew they were wrong. 

Today at the pediatrician, the doctor hadn't been in the room more than five minutes when he knew too.

Good because I was right and finally a medical professional can see the issue as well.

Bad because I'm not going to medicate the kid, which means we might be in for even more fun than the past 5 years have been.

Double bad because David is going to flip his lid when I tell him that the doctor instantly sided with me in the should-we-hold-him-back-and-start-kindergarten-a-year-late debate.

But good because maybe having someone believe me will give him a year to mature and develop and not get a label he doesn't deserve.  Or maybe it will give him a year to mature and develop and make it obvious that he needs help.

We'll see.

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