Thursday, February 07, 2013

I Have a Secret

A secret stash, that is.

In the back of one of my cupboards are two cases of Nalley's chili.

Shhh, don't tell anyone.

See, one of the drawbacks of moving to Timbuktu is that you give up certain foods.  Sold-in-the-northwest-only type foods. 

And one of those is Nalley's.  Anything Nalley's.  Their wonderful hamburger chip pickles.  Even just a basic Nalley's dill pickle.  And, of course, their chili.  That yummy con carne concoction of beans, meat, and special spices.

But this time, I came prepared!  After checking out Amazon to see if I could just buy some yummy Nalley's chili from them, I decided I didn't want to pay two dollars a can. So before we moved, I hurried off to Costco and bought some. 

When we moved in, I put my chili in the farthest reaches of my pantry, where no one would see it and decide it looked like a good snack.  Or worse yet, dinner.  To feed our whole family chili, you'd have to use three or four of my preciously hoarded cans! 

So I kept it out of sight and out of mind.

Until today.  Today is a gray, rainy, Seattle kind of day.  A day that needs a good hot bowl of soup.

Or chili. 

And so I caved and had one can.

It took three months before I just had to have some.  That's not bad- that's only four cans a year.  At that rate, my stash should certainly last until someone comes to visit and can bring more Nalley's.  (And Tillamook.  That's one thing I couldn't figure out how to bring a stash of.  So whoever visits needs to save room for a cooler full of medium cheddar scrumptiousness too.)

1 comment:

BryneeJones said...

No Nalley's? I didn't know that wasn't a national thing. And no Taco Time or Zips. Hmmm - now I want me some Zips tartar sauce. I may need to go there for dinner.