Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Last Words

Tonight as I walked Hope into basketball practice, I asked her if I could hold her hand.  She still lets me some.......if she thinks no one will see.  It was cold and I had on my gloves, so she said ok because it would warm her hands up.  I said "it's ok if you don't want me to hold your hand; I probably wouldn't have held my mom's hand when I was in 4th grade.  By then Grandma Jill and I were fighting alot."

She didn't ask what we fought about.  She didn't ask if we always fought.  She asked what the last thing I said to her was. 

Thankfully, I remember.  It was either Bye or I love you, mama.  It actually was both; I just don't remember which order I said them in.

How many people's last words are something they regret?  A stupid sentence spoken in frustration, a fight walked out on.

That's another resolution for this year: make sure that, when the person I'm speaking to is gone, the words I've chosen aren't ones that I will regret.

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