Friday, January 25, 2013

Convo's from the back seat

Joel:"Look, the moon is full"
Naomi: "Mom, what day is it?"
Me: "Friday"
Naomi: "Oooh, Joel, you're lucky it's Friday. This is the day I don't turn into a werewolf."

#1. It's not a full moon. 

#2. What???

She is a funny kid, that Meemers.  If I didn't know better, I'd think she hung out with dad more often.  She certainly seems to have his sense of humor.  Here's another sampling from two years ago that I found in an email to Zach:

The other day I was driving home with Naomi and she asked how I knew the way home. I told her I just knew and when she was a big girl she'd know. "You mean a big girl like Hope?" "No, big like Zach" "Zach's not a big girl, mom".

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