Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Rewarding Obedience

Daniel has figured out that he can open the doors on the buffet, and occasionally I catch him playing in there.  Tonight was one of those times.

I told him to shut the door.  He did, and I clapped and told him good job.

Fast forward five minutes, and he's into the cabinet again.  So I went over there to get him out of it.  As soon as he saw me, he grabbed my glasses that he'd taken out, put them back, and shut the door.  And waited........and then started clapping for himself when I didn't do it. 

I'll clap once for obeying.  But after that, I'm not going to reward you for being disobedient just so you can obey again.  Sorry kiddo, you're going to have to be your own cheering section for that one.

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