Thursday, May 31, 2012

Daniel's current favorite phrase:  no no goggie.  Walks around saying  Even when the dog is nowhere in sight.  Poor Hank- he's going to get a complex.

Monday, May 21, 2012

How long before I panic?

You know how people say if your kids act up in public, just keep walking- they'll follow you because they're afraid of being left?

Not so much.

When we dropped Daniel off at the childcare before swimming lessons, Joel took off.  He often stands outside the classroom and just watches through the window, so I wasn't too worried, until he wasn't at the window.  But he'd just gone out to the lobby and was standing with Hope and Naomi.

After swimming lessons when we went to pick up Daniel, he took off again.  I figured he'd be out front, but he wasn't.  After looking all over and not finding him, I put the other three in the car and went back in to look for him.  Finally, I saw him walking out of the building, and when I asked him where he'd been, he said, "Looking fowa you, and dat wath WUDE of you to leave me!"

Little boy, you were the one who left, I don't see how I was rude.

And yes, I had a talk with him about not leaving a building if he ever gets lost again.

But from now on, he goes into the childcare center with me. 

Seriously, I don't see how shock collars for children is a bad idea.  But David keeps telling me I won't get away with putting one on him.  We'll just see......

Sunday Shopping

Had to spend some RR, otherwise I wouldn't have gone this week.
Spent today: $0
Spent ytd: $132.22
Saved ytd: $452.02
Have $ 2 RR

Spent today: $23.89
Spent ytd: $137.32
Saved ytd: $ 250.62
Have: $10 UP+

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Attitude Adjustment......along with Sunday Shopping

I was in a MOOD when I left this morning. Mad. As. Heck. But at both stores, in addition to having everything I wanted in stock, something happened to bring my total down even further than planned. I was actually smiling by the time I drove home! Walgreens:
Spent today: $ .09
Spent ytd: $ 132.22
Saved ytd: $448.57
Have: $3.50 in RRs


Spent today: $1.20
Spent ytd: $113.43
Saved ytd: $232.19
Have: $11 in UP+, plus will get a $3 rebate

Get Sleepy

At Joel's visit to the bad kid doc, we were advised to help him get more sleep.  The doctor said we could try drugging him with Benadryl, or chamomile tea.  The Benadryl really didn't seem to help much- some nights he'd be tired, others he'd still be awake for two hours after bedtime.  So I got some tea and told him he'd get to drink some before bed.  We tried it twice and he didn't like it either time- he'd only drink a sip or two.

So I put him to bed the other night and didn't bother giving him any.  After an hour or two, he showed up downstairs and said "You forgot to get me my coffee."  So the past couple nights, David and Joel have sat down at the table before bed and had their cups of "coffee".  I still don't think it helps, but he enjoys coffee time with his dad.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Sunday Shopping

Spent today: $6.08
Spent ytd: $132.13
Saved ytd: $432.55
Have: $3 RR

Spent today: $12.89
Spent ytd: $112.23
Saved ytd: $212.16
Have: $13 UP+

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Rewarding Obedience

Daniel has figured out that he can open the doors on the buffet, and occasionally I catch him playing in there.  Tonight was one of those times.

I told him to shut the door.  He did, and I clapped and told him good job.

Fast forward five minutes, and he's into the cabinet again.  So I went over there to get him out of it.  As soon as he saw me, he grabbed my glasses that he'd taken out, put them back, and shut the door.  And waited........and then started clapping for himself when I didn't do it. 

I'll clap once for obeying.  But after that, I'm not going to reward you for being disobedient just so you can obey again.  Sorry kiddo, you're going to have to be your own cheering section for that one.