Wednesday, February 01, 2012

If You're Worried and You Can't Sleep.....

Just count your blessings instead of sheep. Some people will have no idea what that is in reference to. Some people should watch more classic movies.

The other night Hope climbed into my bed, crying, because it was after 10:00pm and she couldn't fall asleep. She'd read for awhile, laid there, read some more, tried everything she could think of, but couldn't sleep.

More to give her something different to think about, I sang her that song and told her to try it. We snuggled for a couple of minutes and thought of things to be thankful for, and then she went back to bed.

The next morning she was amazed that it worked! She told me she'd been in the middle of thanking God for all of her cousins and listing as many as she could think of. That's all she remembers- trying to think of cousins. And now she has a wonderful new way to go to sleep- focusing on the myriad of things in her life to give thanks for.

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