Saturday, February 25, 2012


This week, my Walgreens excursion was very delayed, thanks to a trip to visit the old folks on Sunday. Had I had my stuff together, I would've gone on the way there, and I don't even remember why last Saturday was busy enough that I didn't go through the sales. Boring week anyway, so it didn't make a difference.

Spent today: $ .39
Spent ytd: $80.30
Saved ytd: $305.48

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Shopping


Spent today:$ 3.04
Spent ytd: $79.91
Saved ytd: $295.49
Have $2RR

Here's the problem with utilizing Register Rewards and UP+ Rewards: they expire. RiteAid hasn't had much lately that I need, and I had to use my $2UP, so today was 'stock up for Valentine's Day and David's birthday with candy' day.

Spent today: $1.96
Spent ytd: $16.07
Saved ytd: $ 34.87

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

The things you find at work!

That title sounded more exciting than Tuesday Shopping. This morning one of the assistants gave me a bunch of coupons that had been in some package she was unloading. One was a Listerine one that we have a million of, but the other was a $2 Reach coupon......and I remembered that Walgreens had Reach floss on sale, because I couldn't find my coupon that would've make it free after RR and I wasn't going to pay for floss! Ta-da: now I make a dollar on each pack I buy this week. Granted, it gives me a bunch of rewards I have to roll, but there's always an 8/$1 item around holidays- pencils or cups or something easy to use the rewards with.

So, off to Walgreens I went at lunch, and since they were very well-stocked on floss and toothbrushes, I'll be going there every day at lunch to buy my two packs of floss and make my two dollars. Depending on how nice the cashier is, I may make four or five dollars each day!

Spent today: $2.50
Spent ytd: $70.62
Saved ytd: $242.32
Have: $4 RR from today, and $5RR from Sunday

Edited to add: I did a few more trips, so by the end of the week these were the new totals:
Spent ytd: $76.87
Saved ytd: $257.74
Have: $19 RR

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sunday Shopping


Spent today: Subtotal was $0, after tax, $2.15
Spent ytd: $ 68.12
Saved ytd: $ 236.15
Have: $5RR, also will get $4 rebate for VitD

Thursday, February 02, 2012


Dr. Jan is not a friendly person. She's a nice person, but not friendly. It took about a year before she'd even really talk to me much. The Thursday hygienist has been at our office for two years and is still scared of Jan. But I really like her and we chat most of the days she's there. Not heart-to-heart talks, but fun conversations that she often initiates. She doesn't really have many friends because she's a pretty private person, and I feel sorry for her because her husband is the biggest liability and source of stress in her life. Sound like anyone else we knew?

For a week or two after I told Todd I was going to be leaving, Jan didn't really talk to me. I expected that, I suppose. I knew she wouldn't be happy, if only because it was just one more thing to deal with. Lord knows she has plenty already. But eventually she warmed back up.

Today we were both standing in the hall- she was stretching her arms and I was putting photos in the computer- and she said "I've been meaning to tell you how much I appreciate that you've stuck around and helped out while we look for just the right person, and for helping out with Lori's schedule." That shocked me enough, but she went on to say that she was really happy for me, that it took a lot of courage to make that kind of change, and she hoped I enjoyed being home with the kids.

I don't care much what Todd thinks or if he's ok with my leaving, but I really didn't want to disappoint Jan. It's nice to know that, even if it is disappointing to have to start over, she understands why I'm making this choice and is happy for me.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

If You're Worried and You Can't Sleep.....

Just count your blessings instead of sheep. Some people will have no idea what that is in reference to. Some people should watch more classic movies.

The other night Hope climbed into my bed, crying, because it was after 10:00pm and she couldn't fall asleep. She'd read for awhile, laid there, read some more, tried everything she could think of, but couldn't sleep.

More to give her something different to think about, I sang her that song and told her to try it. We snuggled for a couple of minutes and thought of things to be thankful for, and then she went back to bed.

The next morning she was amazed that it worked! She told me she'd been in the middle of thanking God for all of her cousins and listing as many as she could think of. That's all she remembers- trying to think of cousins. And now she has a wonderful new way to go to sleep- focusing on the myriad of things in her life to give thanks for.