Sunday, January 08, 2012

Sunday Shopping

I only went to Walgreens today. RiteAid didn't have much that looked very good. The dilemma, though, is that I have a bunch of UP+ rewards that expire next week, so I just have to hope that next week has better sales than this week, or I'm going to be buying something I don't need just to use up the rewards.


Spent today:$27.09
Spent ytd: $31.95
Saved ydt: $32.07
Have: $23 RR

I'm really contemplating doing the Prevacid deal again. After the RR, it's only $6 for a month's supply. But Grouchy Boy was the only checker there this morning, and the coupon wouldn't scan. I could wait until tonight and go when some of the smilier employees are there...

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