Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow snow snow snow snow!

I succumbed. I wimped out. I called work and told them I was snowed in.

Sunday and Monday, driving was stressful but not bad. Yesterday I had to take the van, which, although it is supposed to be AWD, I don't like nearly as much as the Subaru. Maybe it's just more top-heavy? But I feel like I slide around more in the van. I slid past the turn for daycare- not a big deal since I just took another way up the hill. I slid trying to turn into our driveway, and slid again trying to back out of the driveway. But going to pick the kids up from daycare, I got halfway up a hill and got stuck. Sliding backwards, brakes locked, no steering- tons of fun. Did a 23-point turn, got back down, and tried another hill that is more of a main road. I really did wonder if they'd just have to spend the night at Priscilla's house. My four were the only ones who showed up- nobody else was brave/dumb enough to be out in the snow.

A bunch of other stuff went wrong last night, as always happens when David is gone, and I was frustrated and upset that Todd is such a....I don't even know what he is.....but when everything else around is closed and state patrol is telling people to just stay home unless they absolutely have to drive, he won't close the office. Ok, I understand that you're from Michigan and Utah. You're used to snow. So am I. But you live half a mile from the office. Without any hills. I don't. I live five miles and six closed roads from the office. And yet the world might end if I don't clean a few peoples' teeth today.

So I decided to act like a West Sider. I could've gotten out if I really had to. The roads are icy, but there's snow and traction. But what about lunchtime when I have to come home to let Hank out. What about 5 o'clock when I have to go get the kids. Will the roads be an ice rink? I don't know, and I don't want to find out.

I'm already researching Subaru options for my next car.

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