Tuesday, January 03, 2012


Today I told Todd that I intended to quit. He was shocked, to say the least. I told him to stop talking and listen to me so I could explain. I'm being very nice; I simply told him I wanted to be a mom. I didn't tell him that I was sick of his mood swings, condescending attitude, lectures, negativity, micromanaging.....

Some of this is bad timing on my part, since Lori has been out since October with a hurt arm and currently isn't coming back until at least the start of Feb, but instead of just having temps fill in for her, we can have working interviews, and if they do find someone to replace me, I can just transition to filling in for her until she's back to working all her normal days. I tried to focus on the positive side of the situation.

There will be several awkward days as he works through his shock and stress, but I told him I'd stick around for awhile to help- I'm not just going to drop everyone in the middle of the mess and leave. Although some days I'd like to, if it only affected Todd. But it doesn't. It affects the rest of my coworkers, Dr. Jan, the patients, and my future. Todd is outspoken and opinionated, and since I'll have to list him as a reference, I'd better make sure he'll say something nice.

Bad side of giving him my notice: now David is backtracking and saying he doesn't think it's a good idea for me to quit. After he flat-out told me to quit my job in Sept. After I've talked about it and planned for it since he said I could quit. After he knew I told Priscilla that we'd be leaving the daycare, and after he knew that all my coworkers knew I was planning to leave. Now he doesn't think it's a good idea. I'm chooing to ignore that comment.

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