Monday, February 25, 2008

He knows me so well

That show "The Moment of Truth" just had a commercial where some guy asks his ex-girlfriend if he wanted to get back together, if she'd leave her husband. So David asked me which of my ex-boyfriends I'd leave him for. I didn't have to think about it for more than about two seconds; I said there wasn't one. But David knows me well enough to know that wasn't the question he needed to ask. So my dear husband smiles and says, "What if Peyton Manning was single and wanted to marry you. Would you leave me then?" I think my answer was "Yep!". Never gonna happen, so it's ok; besides, he said he'd leave me for Jennifer Love Hewitt.


BryneeJones said...

I suppose you would think some of my crushes are questionable, but either that is a horrible picture or that guy isn't cute.

Tish said...

He doesn't take the most wonderful pictures, but he isn't write-home-about gorgeous. But he's FUNNY!! And so sweet- really a neat guy- you can't help but love him!

Tish said...

And who doesn't love a 6'5", 230-lb NFL quarterback with rock-hard abs and a rocket of an arm. You know how I like nice arms......