Monday, February 11, 2008

Angels Watching Over Me

I'm not sure what possessed me to make a 9am OB check. It's normally a 30-minute drive to the doctor's office; at 8 or 9, with traffic, it's more like 45 minutes if there aren't any wrecks. So when I woke up at 7:23, I was more focused on getting showered and getting the girls ready to go than I was on eating breakfast. So on the way to the doctor, I realized I hadn't eaten and needed to. But I figured, I'll just wait till after the appointment and take the girls to McDonalds. Great idea for a diabetic, right? Hashbrowns, biscuits, and OJ- no carbohydrate there. But we went. Naomi was flirting with someone sitting behind me, and when we got up to leave, I saw it was some skanky-looking guy just hanging out there. So when we went out to the car, I locked the doors. I never lock the car doors when we're in it unless there's someone around that worries me or we're in scary area. But I locked them, just to be on the safe side.

So as we were driving home, Hope says "Look what I'm doing, mom". She picked while we were driving 70mph down the freeway to realize she could reach her door handle and was pulling on it. If I hadn't locked the doors, her door would've flown open while we were in the fast lane on the freeway. Who knows if I would've had the presence of mind to just pull over or if we would've gotten in a wreck, but luckily I didn't have to find out. Whatever guardian angel God assigned to me today was thoughtful enough to make me forget to eat breakfast and then send some creepy guy to McDonalds, just to protect us and make sure Hope didn't learn a *very* hard lesson.


Mandy said...

don't you have those things on your door that make it impossible for the door to be opened from the inside? It's a little thing that you move over by the latch mechanism. I would think you do. Dad's Bonneville did, my Camry does, and your car is way newer than those cars were. Check it out. Now the Suburban, it doesn't have them, and I'm constantly worried about Alex doing this same thing.

Tish said...

We have them, but I don't have them enabled. Whenever Zach is with us and I have to sit in the back, I disable them so I can open the door, and I just haven't switched them back. Guess I'm going to have to remember to do that.