Monday, August 20, 2007

WHAT'D YOU SAY???......or just very observant?

Hope listens to a VeggieTales CD every time she's in the car. One of her favorite songs is God is Bigger than the Boogieman. She was singing it on the way home from daycare with David today. She was singing the part about "there's a hundred tiny monsters jumping right into your jammies". David said she stopped for a minute and then said "How the hell are a hundred monsters going to get into your jammies?" After David confirmed that she had indeed said hell, he had a tough time not laughing as he explained that hell is a serious place and we don't say that word. He didn't control his laughter quite as well when he told me about it later:)

1 comment:

Mandy said...

ROTFLMAO (there Hopey, I said a bad word too).