Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Naomi's New Trick

If you think about it, dogs and kids are alot alike. Once they've been through obedience training and potty training, they're much more enjoyable to have around. They love to learn new tricks so you can fawn over how brilliant they are. And they respond very well to praise. And they seem to have selective hearing when you're telling them not to do something. Anyway........
While I was gone last weekend, David taught Naomi how to give kisses. Not that they're really kisses. She just leans towards you with a huge 'ole open mouth and aims in the general direction of your mouth or chin. But it is pretty sweet, if there's no food in her mouth, when she leans over to give you a kiss. Yesterday she even voluntarily kissed me and then laid her head on my shoulder when I got her out of her crib. For the world's most un-cuddly baby, that was pretty nice.

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