Friday, August 17, 2007

You Have Been Good

Last year shortly before we moved, Scott Krippayne had a new song called You Have Been Good. I found myself singing it alot during the days while David was gone and I was getting packed, quitting my job, and preparing to leave Spokane. If I never got to move back to Spokane or Arizona or wherever else I wanted to live right then, God was still so good to me. He provided just what I needed just when I needed it.

I actually hadn't thought of the song for quite a while until it popped into my head again today. Since we started this whole moving-again thing, I knew it would be tought to sell our house here. I've just kept telling God it would be nice to at least have an offer on the house so we weren't just leaving with no idea when it would sell. Last week when someone wanted to see it, I thought maybe that was the answer to that specific prayer. At that point another song I hadn't thought of in years popped into my mind- Do I Trust You Lord. Yep, I do. I know that I can only see a part of the picture. So when they liked our house, but liked another better, I sang that song alot to remind my heart of what my head knew.

So, we had another couple who wanted to look at the house today. They've looked at 16 houses in the last two days and liked ours best. The only problem is their offer will be contingent on their house selling. We don't have the offer yet, so it may be a crummy offer, but that's not what I prayed about. I prayed for an offer on the house before we left. And that's what we got. You have been good. Mercy upon mercy, grace upon grace, time after time.

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