Thursday, March 29, 2007

Name That Tune

I was bored today because Hope is spending the night with McKenna, and I just wanted to see if I could do this or not. What song is it?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I know exactly where I was too

Since Bryn wrote about where she was six years ago last night, I figured I would too because it's one of my favorite memories of those six weeks. David and I had gone to some wedding hall downtown to check it out and then we went to the Onion for dinner. After dinner he went home and I went to the hospital.

I think everyone was in her room when I first got there, but maybe not- my memory of that part isn't very clear. But eventually, it was just me and mom. She was turned on her stomach, so I sat down next to her face and started talking to her. I'm sure whatever I told her was just a bunch of chatter, but I said something about Carol Behl. Mom raised her head up a little, looked at me, and said, "What?". I was in shock- I hadn't heard her say a word in four weeks! I said "What did you say?" and tried to get her to say it again or say something else, but that was it. She just laid there- I don't even really remember if she had her eyes open or closed. So I laid my head down on the bed- the rail must've been down from when they flipped her- and kept talking to her for a little while. I started thinking about all the wedding stuff I needed to do and I fell asleep right there, with my head next to hers. I woke up about 10:30 or 11:00 and freaked out cause it was so late, kissed her cheek, and said "Bye mama". And walked out. I didn't intend for that goodbye to be the last one. I certainly could've thought of alot more to tell her than something about Mrs. Behl if I'd known I'd never talk to her again. But I like the memory of laying there, staring at her face and talking to her. At least the last time I was with her was something that is etched in my memory, not just one more night of sitting in that hospital room or sleeping curled up on that waiting room couch. At least it's something I remember.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Remember to Not Forget....

Most mornings we follow the same routine. Hope or Naomi wakes me up, we get up/make beds/change diapers/use bathroom and then go downstairs and eat breakfast. While the girls are eating, I get my glass of water and take my vitamins and antidepressant. During the weekend, we don't follow this routine, so I often forget to take my meds. Usually, though, I remember at some point that I've forgotten to take everything and take them later in the day. I forgot both days this weekend and never did take them.
Couple forgetting to take the drugs with a case of PMS, and you apparently wind up with this scene that's occuring now:

Someone feeding their children breakfast and cleaning up the kitchen, singing the Salute to the Armed Forces, and bawling about it. Why am I sobbing about the song? Who the heck knows.

I heard the Marines Hymn last night on tv and got it stuck in my head. So this morning I started singing all the songs- why is it that fifteen years after I graduated and quit doing all those Veteran's Day programs I can still sing every word to all the Armed Forces songs, harmony and all. Anyway, now that it's stuck in my head, I'm singing it and CRYING ABOUT IT???? WHY?? Please, Lord, tell me why I'm crying about a stupid song about the military??? Do I have any loved ones in the military? Not anymore. Do I even know anyone in the military? Not that I can think of. So why why why am I sobbing about it??

I guess I still need the antidepressants. I've REEEEEALLY got to remember to not forget to take those drugs!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Scolded by a Three-Year-Old

Today Naomi and I were playing with her Tubby. Naomi mostly just munches on her ears and tail, so I was playing tug-of-war with her while she chewed away on an ear. Hope saw us going at it, came over, and said "No, that's Naomi's Tubby, not yours. Now settle down and you two can share her!" At least I know she hears some of the things I say.
Unfortunately, she hears other things I say too. This morning her pants weren't cooperating in going on. She got frustrated and muttered "frickin' things...." Ooops!

Smells like Spring

The past two days have been so warm! Monday was in the high fifty's, and Tuesday it hit 75!! We cleaned out the garage yesterday- everyone in teeshirts- it was wonderful. Hope rode her tricycle around the driveway, kicked around her soccer ball, and went "treasure hunting"- her treasures consist of pinecones, twigs, and bunny turds she finds in the yard.

Both nights I've gone to the store late, after the girls are in bed and the shows I want to watch are over. And both nights I've walked very slowly into the store so I could just smell the air. It has that humid, warm summer night smell. Last night the wind was blowing, but it was a warm breeze, not the freezing bone-chilling wind it's been all winter. I almost turned on the flood lights in the back yard and sat on the back porch when I got home. I can't wait for spring!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Good thing we didn't have peas for breakfast

Hope wanted raisin bran for breakfast this morning, and since I had just bought a big canister of raisins, I got those out for her to add to the cereal. She has been snacking on them ever since. I guess I wasn't really paying attention to her, because after a while she says " I can't get it out". I knew before I even looked at her what had happened. Yep, finger up the nose trying to retrieve the raisin that was shoved up there. I grabbed the flashlight and tweezers, but of course the batteries in the flashlight were dead and she was starting to panic by then, so I just stuck the tweezers up there and hoped I didn't hurt her. The raisin came out on the first try and I threw it away. The drama queen starts sobbing- why, you ask? Because she wanted to eat the raisin!!!