Monday, October 30, 2006

I like her; I like her not

The past two weeks Naomi has become a much more content baby. She's gotten to the point that she rarely cries; she was SO good during our trip to Spokane- cried just a little on the plane trips. While we were there, I remember thinking I was starting to really like my daughter. Before that, I hadn't really liked her much- all she did was demand my attention and deprive me of my sleep. I've also been reading about a member on a forum I check alot who just lost a daughter to SIDS- her baby was two weeks older than Naomi. So I've felt so bad for my ambivalence toward Naomi; so sorry for this poor woman who will forever wonder what would be if she'd just checked on her baby five minutes earlier; and so thankful for the fact that I'm not in her position when I so easily could be.

But then, just when I start to like her, she blows it. After crying alot today, she just spit up about 4 ounces of milk. She soaked me, the couch, and a receiving blanket. I spend almost two hours a day pumping since the kid is too lazy to suck effectively, and then she just throws it back up on me?!? We've discovered that she does better with enfamil's formula with rice starch added to it; if it weren't so dang expensive, I'd quit pumping and just let her have that. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll forget about the milk bath and like her again:)


Mandy said...

Maybe she is sick and that is why she threw up. Or maybe you ate something that disagreed with her. Did you find out if any of your stores take competitor's coupons? I'll send you any of those enfamil ones that I get from Albertsons.

missdidi said...

She was probaby quiet in Spokane because she thought "If I don't cry, maybe those other kids will forget I'm here and not come stick their faces in my seat and talk in high pitched voices."

Mandy said...

yeah and shove my pacifier in my mouth clear to my pooper and rock me so much i feel like i'm on a roller coaster