Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Don't Swallow!

In anticipation of our plane trip to Spokane, we're trying to teach Hope how to chew gum. I figure it's the best way to make sure her ears don't hurt on the plane. I remember when we flew to Seattle to go to Disneyland when I was five, uncle Ron took us to the airport and gave me and Mandy gum and told us to chew it; I had no idea why we were supposed to but I did because he said to. So last night at the store we got a few packs for her to practice with. David wanted to get her Juicy Fruit; why would mom never let us have that? It's not like its alcoholic or addictive; well, maybe it's addictive- she sure went through enough packs of it. I still say they should make JuicyFruit candy- that stuff tastes so good but the flavor lasts about two minutes and then it's time to spit it out and have another piece. Anyway, we got boring ole' sugar-free bubble gum flavor and came home to practice. I bet we looked like dorks sitting around the table watching each other chew gum. David reviewed the basics- chew but don't swallow it, no playing with it, and no putting it in your hair. Luckily, I made her bite off about a quarter of a stick at first. She chewed it several times and then swallowed it. So we went over the rules again and she had some more. This time she chewed it for quite a bit longer, but still swallowed it. Third time was a charm. She chewed it for about ten minutes and then we threw it away.
As soon as she came downstairs this morning she was bugging me for more gum. I told her she had to wait for David to come home, so the instant he walked in the door she was groping around on the counter trying to get a pack. She remembered the no-swallowing part, but forgot the don't play with it part. I caught her pulling it out of her mouth. So I expect that tomorrow will be gum-in-the-hair day. Oh well, I'm going to have Trish cut her hair some anyway; maybe I'll just have to cut parts of it a little early.

1 comment:

missdidi said...

Amen to the juicy fruit. I can go through a pack in an hour.