Sunday, June 30, 2013


Whenever my phone rings, whichever small person is closest grabs it and runs to me, yelling, "Mom, your phone!"

So this morning when my alarm on my phone went off, I heard Daniel, whose bedroom shares a wall with our room, yell, "Tisha, your phone is ringing!  Tisha! Your phone!!"  I would've pushed snooze a time or two, but laughing at Daniel was enough to wake me up.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Parmesan Chicken

This is another recipe that I memorized while I made it at Dinners Ready/Dream Dinners.  For a couple of years, we went there regularly enough that I saw the same recipes a few times and memorized my faves!
8 chicken breasts (I never use this many.  I usually use 4 or 5)
2 eggs
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp pepper
2C panko breadcrumbs
2C shredded parmesan cheese, divided
1C shredded mozzarella
1/2C pizza sauce
1/2C alfredo sauce

Preheat oven to 350.  Mix eggs with garlic powder and pepper.  Roll chicken breasts in egg mixture, then in breadcrumbs combined with 1C shredded parmesan.  Place in greased pan and bake for 20-25 minutes.  Meanwhile, mix pizza sauce and alfredo sauce together; mix remaining parmesan and mozzarella cheeses; set both aside.  Remove chicken from oven, spoon sauces over chicken.  Sprinkle cheese over chicken.  Bake another 10-15 minutes

The freezer version of this is pretty easy and guarantees you have all the ingredients: put breaded chicken in a pan and cover, mix sauces and put in ziplock, mix 1C of the parmesan with the mozzarella cheese and put in a ziplock, Place all items together in the freezer.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Picture Walls

I remember when David and I moved into our house in Rockford.  We hung up every picture we owned within the first week we lived there.  I'd carry a picture around the house holding it up to all the walls until I found just where I thought something fit.

I did basically the same thing in our Marysville house.  After several months, I decided I wanted a picture wall at the top of the stairs.  We had lots of pictures of the kids, but not displayed anywhere, so I figured that would be a good way to put them up.

When we moved into this house, I hung up a few wall hangings, but really no pictures because I knew I wanted to do another picture wall up the stairs. 

But I procrastinate.

And I second-guess everything I do. 

Except painting handprints on my walls.  Apparently I can do that without a moment's hesitation.  But I'm getting ahead of myself...

It took me until March to do anything on the wall in our kitchen.  Once I had the vinyl letters, I still had to paint a canvas and then deal with non-sticking letters.  Then I had to find frames for mom's and oma's and grandma's recipes.  And then I had to steal decorations from other places in the house because they sort of fit.

David complains that the pictures of the kids are too matchy, but once we have summer pictures or next year's Christmas pictures or pictures when Zachy is here, I can change them.

Then, when I finally got my growth ruler ordered, because they only get restocked twice a month and they're always sold out five minutes after they go on sale, I again walked around the house holding it up to every wall to see where it would look good.  We have really pretty chair rails in most of the main floor, which, unfortunately, get in the way of the ruler.  So, I decided I'd incorporate it into a picture wall, and put it up on the wall at the landing.

And there is stayed, with only a few random pictures, for two months. 

Did I mention I procrastinate?

Until the other day when I was walking up the stairs with Daniel.  He braces himself on the wall as he steps up each stair.  And there, on the wall, was a little handprint.  He obviously had dirty hands one day and I just now noticed.  I didn't even consider washing the wall; those precious little handprints needed to be preserved!  So I did what any logical person would do; I got out some paint, painted his hand, and stamped handprints on my wall.

Ok, maybe that's just what any sentimental person would do.

But it provided the needed stimulus to get the picture wall done.  Random handprints on the walls didn't look cute, but as part of a wall of pictures of those little people, it would make sense.

So again, off to Hobby Lobby for inspiration.  It took a couple of trips there, and some scary moments on a ladder propped on a stepstool on a stair with a child bracing the stepstool so I didn't do a nosedive over the railing.  I need one of those bendy ladders with adjustable legs.

With the exception of changing out pictures as we get new ones, this wall is staying like this for a very long time!


Naomi is a crybaby.

She always has been, although it certainly isn't constant like it was when she was 2.

But if she gets hurt, you can count on a bunch of tears.  She gets scratched- the waterworks start.  Can't sleep at night- she thinks crying about it helps.  Yesterday she was having a disobedient day, and she started crying when I told David about it on the phone.  She'd already been punished, but she knew he'd tell her he was disappointed, so it was tear-worthy. 

The other day she came into the room in tears.  She'd noticed a scratch on her foot.

She didn't actually just get scratched; she just saw it and started crying.

Her question was if there was anything that would make it feel better.

I said "Yep" and said she had to sing the.....

And before I could start singing the song, Hope started in with "Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah, praise ye the Lord!"

I didn't even know Hope knew that song, and I certainly didn't think she remembered it, even if she'd ever known it!

When I said "How did you know that song?!?"  she told me I taught it to her making her sing it when she got hurt. 

I'm not planning on starting sing-a-longs in the car.  But maybe we need to sing a bit more around here, if Hope is the only one who knows the hallelu song.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Church-hunting Attempt #3

We've been going to a church for a couple of months that I really like.  It was my "safety" church- the one I knew we could go to if we didn't find anything else that fit.  It's smaller than I thought it would be and it's a forty minute drive, which I don't mind but it does make it difficult to be real involved.  VBS is in two weeks and I'd love to take the kids, but that's a long way to drive every night.  I like it, I'm fine if we continue to go there, but I'm open to trying other churches to see if we can find a better fit.  So since the main pastor was gone this week, we decided we'd try another church.

We picked a church that is pretty close to us.  We'd considered this church before because David's previous boss goes there, but it seemed too small.  David commented that it looked as big as the church we've been attending, and it certainly would be close, so we figured we'd give it a try.

I should point out that it is a Presbyterian church.  Evangelical Pres, though, so I thought maybe it would be a bit more lively.  I thought wrong.

Typical southern I'm-a-Christian-because-that's-how-I-was-raised-but-I-don't-have-any-real-personal-convictions type of church.  Very similar to the UCC in Quincy.

I felt like I was 10 again when I heard everyone start singing "Glory be to the Father....".

Nice pastor, nice enough sermon although totally void of any real teaching -  it was your basic little country church.

We won't be going back.

The one really nice thing, though, was they had HYMNALS!!!  In every pew!!  And we sang How Great Thou Art at the end of the service!  I was going to steal one of their hymnals, but it didn't have Living by Faith.  Otherwise, I'd have a memento of that church-hunting attempt.

Self-filling Cupcakes

I love these cupcakes!  The recipe came out of a cookbook from Oma's church, and I had the actual page for years; I don't know what happened to it but all I have now is a recipe card.  I made these yesterday for Daniel's birthday and I couldn't keep everyone out of them!

Self-filling Cupcakes

1pkg German Chocolate cake mix
1  8oz pkg cream cheese
1/2C sugar
1  6oz pkg chocolate chips
1 egg

Preheat oven to 350.  Prepare cake mix according to directions.  Fill paper-lined muffin tins 2/3 full with cake batter; set aside.  Mix cream cheese and sugar, add egg, beat until light and fluffy; stir in chocolate chips.  Drop mixture by teaspoon onto each cupcake.  Bake 25-30 minutes.  Yield: 36 cupcakes.