Monday, October 08, 2012

Here We Go Again

Time to sell another house. 

I do not like getting houses ready to sell.  This is the third house in six and a half years that we've sold.  And this one was the worst.  It needed LOTS of touch-up paint.  I washed all the walls, repainted a bunch, David shampooed all the carpet downstairs.  We re-stained both porches.  There was a long list of things that needed fixed; some were crossed off, some were ignored.

Our realtor told us the house would sell for asking price and it would go quick.  I didn't believe her.  I wanted to, but I didn't.

I think she might know what she's talking about.

When we sold our Spokane house, I remember being so disappointed after it had been on the market three days and hadn't sold. 

When we sold our Rockford house, I knew it would take awhile and prayed so often for it to sell.  It took 4 months to finally close, even though there had been an offer on it after 2 weeks.  Not too bad when you consider that the house behind our Rockford house has been on the market for about 4 years.

This house- Oh, I hoped it would sell before we left.  Again, I just dreaded leaving without it sold because there would be so much unknown.  Our realtor helped calm a bunch of the worries, but I still was nervous.

When I bought this house, it had been on the market for over a year.  It was the only house on the block that hadn't sold.  I was afraid, especially with the unimprovements on the other side of the fence, that it would take another year to sell.

Three days.  It took three days for the first offer to come in.  It took two more days for the next two offers to come in. 

We're still in the middle of the 'keep-the-house-immaculately-clean-and-leave-at-the-drop-of-a-hat-so-people-can-look-at-the-house', but it's a bit less irritating when we know that the house will sell, and each person that looks at it might have to make a better competing offer if they're interested. 

I'm probably one of the few people in the real estate market who wishes people would quit calling me wanting to look at the house.

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