Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Win

Earlier today, Joel and Naomi were playing Uno.  He didn't win, and to show his frustration, he threw the entire deck of cards across the room. 

I asked him twice to pick them up, and he said there were too many and he couldn't do it.

I really wanted to nag him. 
I really wanted to remind him to pick them up.
I wanted to threaten.  I wanted to bargain.
But I kept my mouth shut.

Score at least one point right there.

At lunch time, I told the kids to come to the table for lunch.  When Joel got there, he saw that there were only two plates: one for Daniel, one for Naomi. 

"As soon as the cards are picked up, you can eat."

Crying ensued.

"If you aren't going to eat lunch, then it's naptime."

Getting him to go to bed involved getting out the spoon, but he went to bed and laid there for five minutes crying.

Then I saw a little body come around the corner, bend down, and start picking up cards.

Score another battle for me.

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