Sunday, July 22, 2012

Duplicate Puppers

A couple of years ago, Joel lost Puppers.  We bought a replacement on Ebay, and then about a month later, the old Puppers showed up.  So new Pup went into the top of the closet.

I was going through Joel's too-big clothes yesterday and new Puppers fell off one of the boxes.  Joel walked in and saw him, without realizing it wasn't the real Pup.  He picked the dog up and started to hug him, but then he looked at it and realized something was wrong.  In a most horrified voice, he yelled, "wait, this isn't Puppers.....WHAT IS THIS?!?!?"  It was hilarious.  The poor little boy was SO confused- he threw the dog and ran out of the room.  I got him the real Puppers and explained why there were two, and then he was ok.  Now he has to have both of them- Puppers and Fuzzy Puppers. 

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