Saturday, August 14, 2010

Answered Prayers

I was browsing through Psalms looking for one that would be good for Hope to memorize, and I saw a section of highlighting. I underline in my bible, but I don't think I've ever highlighted, but once I read the verses, I remembered why they were highlighted.

After I'd been on the worship team at Faith for a year, I was seriously thinking about quitting both choir and worship team. Even though I am a morning person, I was tired of having to be at church at 7:00AM every Sunday of the year. It'd be nice to be able to sleep in until 8 or just skip a week if I wanted. And there was a lady who had joined choir and I knew she'd make worship team and she annoyed the heck out of me. She really wasn't that great of a singer, but she just wormed her way in and became friends with Betsey. She acted like she had a music degree, but then she'd mess up something and tell us all we were doing it wrong. See, I still don't like her, although I found her blog and have realized she was just as insecure as I was. But I really thought I should just quit choir and started praying about if that would be ok or not. One morning as I was praying about it, I felt like I was supposed to quit praying and open my bible. "Ok, fine, I'll open the bible and read wherever it opens to." I read Psalms frequently, so it wasn't surprising that the pages flipped open there. But the verses at the top of the page weren't what I expected to see.

"But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord,
for He has been good to me."

Thanks for the subtly there, God. Fine, I'll stay in choir and quit complaining about having to get up so stinkin' early.

Those two verses were a specific answer to prayer. Guess I didn't want to forget that sometimes God does just say "here ya go. that's your answer."

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