Sunday, May 10, 2009

All Boy

Joel is such a little boy. Who teaches boys that they should like to wrestle? Or that it's mandatory to make car sounds and push around any object you happen to be holding? Why is the remote the first thing he goes for when he comes into the family room? Today at the zoo, we sat down in a grassy area to let the kids run around. Joel could've run anywhere, but he headed right toward the two boys playing catch with a football. He waited until one of the boys dropped it, picked up the football, and took off. And he wasn't giving anyone that football back. David finally took the football and gave it back to the boys, and took Joel to another part of the field to play. I think the boys thought it was funny that Joel liked their football, because they ended up over by Joel again. And again, Joel stole their ball and had no interest in returning it. Guess we'll be taking a stroll down the football aisle the next time we're at Target.

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