Sunday, September 21, 2008

Guess who else has two toothers!

There already was a post 2 years ago about guess who has two toothers, so I had to put the 'who else' part in there. While Joel is proving to be my best baby so far, he certainly has been the worst teether! Hope was fussy the day she got her first tooth; Naomi just opened her mouth one day and there was a little tooth poking through. No such luck with Mr. Man. He's been a shrieking, whining, big 'ole crybaby who has drooled and chewed on everything in sight for the last few weeks. His biting has lost him his breastfeeding priviledges; the thought of going to the ER to have a nipple replaced doesn't excite me:( And just think, we have 18 more teeth in the next couple years to deal with.

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