Sunday, September 14, 2008

Doesn't it just figure that the one time I don't bring the camera....

is when a great photo op occurs. We went to the zoo again today, and Hope wanted to feed the birds again. No, she didn't sing the Mary Poppins song- I know Bryn will be so disappointed in her. David decided we should all go in, but strollers have to stay outside and I didn't think about the camera. When we were there last month the birds weren't too hungry and it took a long time before they'd eat the birdseed Hope had. This time, they'd land on you as soon as you got the birdseed in your hand. One landed on David's head, and another perched right on little Joel's shoulder. Joel seemed fairly confused, but he didn't cry and he held still, so the bird stayed there for a minute. WHY did I not have my camera??? That would've been such a great picture! But the girls got to feed one of the giraffes and we got pictures of that, so I guess I should be happy about the pictures we did get and hope that our next visit to Willawong Station will involve hungry birds.

Hopey last month feeding one of the birds

Naomi feeding a giraffe today

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