Monday, September 29, 2008

Ok, I know my geography isn't the greatest......

But on a weekly basis this summer, some patient would tell me that they went to "Eastern Washington" on vacation. When I questioned them further, they had gone to Chelan or Moses Lake or somewhere similar. Yes, I suppose technically if you divide the state of Washington in half, the Cascades are pretty much in the middle, so anything east of the mountains is eastern Washington. But isn't central Washington a more accurate description of where you were??

Thursday at work, someone brought in some wonderful peaches and plums. That led to a discussion of where to get good fruit. One of my coworkers, who is really not the brightest star in the sky, said she always gets her fruit "from that fruit stand in eastern Washington". Oh yeah, THAT fruit stand. You idiot, there is more than one fruit stand in the eastern half of the state. As she elaborated, the one she meant was the Thorpe place right before Ellensburg. Ok, since CENTRAL Washington University is in Ellensburg, wouldn't that pretty much be CENTRAL Washington?

And then at lunch, same coworker (who, as a side note, rivals Laurie on her health issues) asked me what state Chicago is in. Really? REALLY? Ok, if she'd asked what state Edwall was in, I could see not knowing that one. Even some mid-sized towns I'd have understood. But Chicago is the third-largest city in the country. That's like not knowing what country London or Paris is in. Do they not teach geography in school anymore?

Who's sleeping with whom

I swear, nobody in this house sleeps in their bed. Joel starts out in his crib, but sometimes ends up next to me. Hope has to start out in Zach's room, cause she and Naomi talk and keep each other up if they're in the same room. David usually ends up in Zach's room too, since he doesn't enjoy being kicked by Joel or kept awake by my snoring.

So last night Joel and Naomi started out in their respective beds. Hope went to sleep in Zach's room, and was supposed to have been moved back to her bed after Naomi fell asleep. Something was severely wrong with Joel, who woke up three times shrieking and had to be rocked back to sleep, which is unusual for him. The last time I couldn't get him to settle down. When he gets really worked up like that, the only thing that works is to lay down with him in my bed. The plan was to put him back in his crib after he fell asleep. However, laying down in a cozy bed with a little snugglebug is quite condusive to sleep, so I fell asleep too. By the time David went to bed, he was too tired to move Hope. So I slept with Joel, David slept with Hope, and poor little Mimi just slept with Tubby.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

More teething???

Hope discovered yesterday that she has a loose tooth. I was pretty sure she was making it up, but I checked and, sure enough, it was wiggly. As I was playing with it, I noticed the one next to it was loose too! They certainly aren't going to be falling out this week, but they move around quite a bit. Joel's getting teeth, Hope's losing teeth.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Guess who else has two toothers!

There already was a post 2 years ago about guess who has two toothers, so I had to put the 'who else' part in there. While Joel is proving to be my best baby so far, he certainly has been the worst teether! Hope was fussy the day she got her first tooth; Naomi just opened her mouth one day and there was a little tooth poking through. No such luck with Mr. Man. He's been a shrieking, whining, big 'ole crybaby who has drooled and chewed on everything in sight for the last few weeks. His biting has lost him his breastfeeding priviledges; the thought of going to the ER to have a nipple replaced doesn't excite me:( And just think, we have 18 more teeth in the next couple years to deal with.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Doesn't it just figure that the one time I don't bring the camera....

is when a great photo op occurs. We went to the zoo again today, and Hope wanted to feed the birds again. No, she didn't sing the Mary Poppins song- I know Bryn will be so disappointed in her. David decided we should all go in, but strollers have to stay outside and I didn't think about the camera. When we were there last month the birds weren't too hungry and it took a long time before they'd eat the birdseed Hope had. This time, they'd land on you as soon as you got the birdseed in your hand. One landed on David's head, and another perched right on little Joel's shoulder. Joel seemed fairly confused, but he didn't cry and he held still, so the bird stayed there for a minute. WHY did I not have my camera??? That would've been such a great picture! But the girls got to feed one of the giraffes and we got pictures of that, so I guess I should be happy about the pictures we did get and hope that our next visit to Willawong Station will involve hungry birds.

Hopey last month feeding one of the birds

Naomi feeding a giraffe today