Monday, February 25, 2008

He knows me so well

That show "The Moment of Truth" just had a commercial where some guy asks his ex-girlfriend if he wanted to get back together, if she'd leave her husband. So David asked me which of my ex-boyfriends I'd leave him for. I didn't have to think about it for more than about two seconds; I said there wasn't one. But David knows me well enough to know that wasn't the question he needed to ask. So my dear husband smiles and says, "What if Peyton Manning was single and wanted to marry you. Would you leave me then?" I think my answer was "Yep!". Never gonna happen, so it's ok; besides, he said he'd leave me for Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Random Thoughts by Hope

Any conversation with Hope is always an adventure. This is a sampling of today's revelations:

"I want to go to the circus. I've never been to the circus. When can we go to the circus?" Said during breakfast when there was nothing circus-like happening.

"Are you trying to be your father???" This one required some explanation even for me. I asked her to hold our shopping list and then asked her what some of the letters were in the words. She apparently thought I was teasing, which she associates with her grandpa. 'teva, Hope.

She spotted a RedBull cooler at the store: "Look, there's the soda that gives you wings. Let's get some so we can have wings. Then we could fly. It'd be fun to fly........." I tuned out at this point. I'm sure there was a commentary on what she thought she'd see or do while she was flying.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Naomi has finally learned how to say mom, credit mostly due to Hopeybug patiently saying "Naomi, say" over and over till she'd finally copy her. But now it's about all she says. If I'm not paying attention to her and she thinks I should, she yells "Mom!" If I'm not in view, she'll yell until I show up. If I close the bathroom door, if I don't shove food in her mouth quick enough, if she's bored, if she's in her crib and wants get the idea. David thinks its hilarious, so she has figured out she's being funny and does it just to make David laugh. I knew that, contrary to Oma's assessment, she wasn't retarded and would eventually talk. But now I wish she'd learn a new word. What else can I have Hope teach her? At least she hasn't figured out how to say "no" yet. She just shakes her head and runs the other way.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Angels Watching Over Me

I'm not sure what possessed me to make a 9am OB check. It's normally a 30-minute drive to the doctor's office; at 8 or 9, with traffic, it's more like 45 minutes if there aren't any wrecks. So when I woke up at 7:23, I was more focused on getting showered and getting the girls ready to go than I was on eating breakfast. So on the way to the doctor, I realized I hadn't eaten and needed to. But I figured, I'll just wait till after the appointment and take the girls to McDonalds. Great idea for a diabetic, right? Hashbrowns, biscuits, and OJ- no carbohydrate there. But we went. Naomi was flirting with someone sitting behind me, and when we got up to leave, I saw it was some skanky-looking guy just hanging out there. So when we went out to the car, I locked the doors. I never lock the car doors when we're in it unless there's someone around that worries me or we're in scary area. But I locked them, just to be on the safe side.

So as we were driving home, Hope says "Look what I'm doing, mom". She picked while we were driving 70mph down the freeway to realize she could reach her door handle and was pulling on it. If I hadn't locked the doors, her door would've flown open while we were in the fast lane on the freeway. Who knows if I would've had the presence of mind to just pull over or if we would've gotten in a wreck, but luckily I didn't have to find out. Whatever guardian angel God assigned to me today was thoughtful enough to make me forget to eat breakfast and then send some creepy guy to McDonalds, just to protect us and make sure Hope didn't learn a *very* hard lesson.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Tickle Monster

David and I were sitting on the couch with Hope, and somehow we got started tickling her feet. Pretty soon Naomi runs over, yelling at us. We thought she was going to try to save her sissy. No, no; she wanted in on the action! She started in on Hope's tummy, trying to tickle her too. Then later I was laying on the floor, and she flopped over on my stomach and started tickling me!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

The grass is always greener........

I am completely, without question, certifiably loco. This morning I've been crying because I miss Rockford. Yes, the place I absolutely hated and thought should be banished from the face of the earth. The place I complained about constantly and couldn't wait to leave. But David got an email yesterday from the echo dept with all the latest gossip- who's prego, who's dating, that sort of stuff. Then last night I dreamed we moved back there, but the people who bought our house wouldn't let us buy it back.

I told David about the dream, and he said "Well, I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to sell it either". So as we were talking I got started crying because I miss that house and I miss knowing David was happy to go to work every morning and I miss being able to be home and do whatever I want and being able to just go over to the hospital for lunch if we wanted. I miss Amy and Andre. I'm nuts. I hated it there- but now I can't really remember why. Maybe it was just cause I didn't think that's where I wanted to be. But I wonder what would've happened if I'd been taking my antidepressants that week we were in Spokane. David knew as soon as I started saying I wasn't going to go back to Rockford that I hadn't been taking my meds. If I'd just kept my mouth shut, would he still have wanted this job? Who knows. I feel bad that he moved to make me happy. And I am happy. I think. I don't really have a happiness checklist to judge by. I'm afraid that's just my personality- to always second-guess whatever decision I make. Bad news for me, cause the grass is usually greener somewhere else. And in this case it's greener from my back deck in Rockford.