Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Haves and the Have-Nots

Some people, like I was for years, are just naturally photogenic. Sure, an occasional bad picture will show up. But for the most part, they just have that natural quality that assures great pictures. Hopey seems to have gotten that particular trait.

Then, there's poor little Naomi. If you snap fifty or a hundred pictures, you'll get lots of closed or half-closed eyes, funny looks, and turned heads. Lately, you'll also get alot of tears. Her scrapbook, when I ever get it started, will only have two or three pictures per page because that's all the pictures I have where she doesn't look drugged or constipated. She's apparently a have-not when it comes to the photogenic gene.


Mandy said...

I esp like Hopey's pink-pantied-behind in the last set of pictures! :) Oh, Naomi, she'll give you 1000s of sweet and precious pictures. Just give her time.

Mandy said...
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