Thursday, November 08, 2007

Can't we just dress him in pink......

........and pretend it's a girl?? I already had her named and everything. David had even agreed to the middle name, although I was a little sneaky in getting the agreement. I casually suggested the worst names I could come up with based on our ancestors. After he had said yuck to all of them, I mentioned the name I wanted, and he liked it. And now it was all for nothing?

I thought David and I had decided on a boy's name when I was pregnant the first time. I'd even suggested another name when I was prego with Naomi, and he said he liked Joel better. So when I called him and told him the baby was a boy, he said something about having to decide on a boy's name now. That night when he came home, he said how he'd been thinking that having a little David would be nice. Um, you already have a son and you already used David. Apparently that doesn't count? So he thinks since we like Joel, we should name him David Joel and call him DJ. Or Deej. I don't think so. We have all these pretty, biblical names for our girls and you want DJ? It's not a name, it's some letters, and it's the name of the girl on Full House. I'm not into unisex names. I'm not into initials. I'm not into Juniors. Is David there? Sure, which one? Big David or little David? Young David or old David. David or Davey? Hell will freeze before this kid's name is DJ.

I almost feel bad because when I thought David wanted to name him Joel and I kinda didn't, I was going to give in and tell him since I basically named both the girls, he could name the boy. Now, not a chance. I'm picking this one too. I guess we're back to the "you birth 'em, you name 'em" rule of mine.


Mandy said...

#1 what was the name going to be if he were a girl?

#2 what's wrong with Joel David and call him Joel? It would actually be like calling him the name you named him.

#3 and if you want Biblical, we got lots of options........Nahum, Jonah, Habakkak, Zephaniah, or, my favorite, Ezekiel

Tish said...

#1 I'm not telling, cause I still want to have a girl and use it and I don't want anyone to steal it. Not that anyone would, but I'm not chancing it. It probably wouldn't take alot of imagination to figure it out though. The first name is the name David wanted to name Hope, and the middle name is someone's name on dad's side of the family. We've used names from David's mom, my mom, and Joel was Foy's brother, so dad's family is the only side left to use a name from.

#2- I suggested that too but David said that wouldn't work. And besides, Zach's middle name is David. That'd be like all of our middle names being Jill. Poor kid would think we just didn't bother to put any thought into his name.

#3 I like Ezekiel too but it sounds like some big black guy who'd be picking cotton at Tara. I already have more options for biblical boys names.

Mandy said...

i don't know what david wanted to name hopey --- other than the girl's name he had picked out for zach. and i don't even remember what that was. but at any rate, i thought you were refusing to use a name that he and carrie were planning to use.

and i can't think of a name from anyone on dad's side of the family (other than carol or ann) that has a name you would use.

so i guess i'm never going to know.

BryneeJones said...

was it isabelle or something like that? Is it Pearl for the middle name?

Name him Noah. Noah. Noah. I love that name. Noah. Noah. Noah. Noah. Noah. Noah.

Tish said...

What are you going to name Lucy?

Oh, heck, you're not going to use it so I'll tell- we were going to name her Faith Irene.

Pearl? Pearl?? You really think I'd name my child Pearl? Irene's not great, but Pearl?? That's almost as bad as Lov.........never mind:)

I like Noah too, but you know how I am about popular names- there's all together too many Noahs out there right now. If I can talk David into anything other than David or Joel, I'm going for Luke.

Mandy said...

It was going to be Lucy Joy if she was biological. But I think the adopted Lucy will be Lucy Afterley even though it doesn't go together very well. Her last name is Joseph and I am not naming her Lucy Joseph.

I like Noah, but I agree, way too many out there. Kind of like Chloe. Grrr.

I like Luke. I also like Micah, Peter, Isaac, Nathan, Levi, and Samuel. That's all I can think of now.

Oh, you could do Luke now and Levi later when you have your next boy!!